Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Astrological Gemstones: Fire Opals

Have you tried wearing gems and crystals to change your energy? A popular gem is the Fir Opal. This stone's power must not be underestimated! The fire and heat of this gem should not be taken lightly. This is seen in the flashes of colors within the stone.
Fire Opal can be very beneficial for sexual disorders, infertility, barrenness, sperm problems, sexual desire problems, and lower digestion—especially bowel issues. Eyes, constipation and gastric issues having to do with poor digestion and cold temperatures in the body can be helped.
Be careful if you tend towards heat issues! If this is the case I do not recommend this stone as it could aggravate and irritate the issue.

Astrologically speaking—in order for you to receive the full healing and harmonizing power of a gemstone, it must touch the skin and be worn in the sunlight. The light of the sun must go through it. It must be on the proper finger if it is a going. Necklace pendants are different. I also recommend that it be installed at the proper day and time.

If you do not do these things you will receive some of the benefits of the stone if it is not touching the skin and you have not conducted the proper rituals but then, what is the point of investing in such an object?

Your chart must be properly analyzed by an experienced Astrologer in order to decipher as to whether this is a good choice for you. I invite you to read articles about what Astrology can do for you at Ambika's Wisdom.

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