Monday, December 22, 2014

Moon Wisdom December 21, 2014 8:35:49 p.m. EST Jensen Beach, FL©Ambika Devi

We celebrate the solstice point as well as the New Moon in Capricorn today. How wonderful that the New Moon and the Solstice point occurred in the same orb of time. This seemed to drag me deeply into the dream world and I was unable to meet the deadline of getting this newsletter to you, my devoted readers. I appreciate your understanding and patience as I found myself wrapped in a blanket of meditation.

The New Moon in Capricorn brings us stability to overcome fears and move past any self-doubt. The Saturn rulership over the Sea-goat bides us to hunker down and work hard. Do your best to create a cohesive plan and move steadily in a determined direction, rather than flinging yourself haphazardly at desires and goals. The secret to your success is in the maintenance of a connection between the emotional body and the spiritual realm. This helps in your quest to reach for the heavens.

The stilling effect of Capricorn along with the dwindling winter light in the northern hemisphere is absolutely perfect for deep meditation. If you are thinking of beginning a practice, get in touch with me for coaching and a private session. If your daily reflection time seems to have gotten away from you, try waking early in the morning before sunrise and sitting quietly. The dark stillness is the perfect way to easily dip into the quiet contemplation of healing silence.

The Solstice point at zero degrees Capricorn is the perfect time to reboot and reset your dreams and aspirations. It seems I needed an extra day to soak in this before I could sit at he keyboard and crank this astrological report out! It is no surprise to me as I contemplate all of this that another hang up has been Uranus—the ruler of my ascendant—floating in station awaiting his whacky forward motion. Uranus has been retrograde since the Summer Solstice earlier this year and for all creative types this has been a kybosh on getting the ideas up and out of the psyche and into the material realm.

Hang on to your hats and take a moment to look at the shifts happening on December 22 when the “supervisor of strange” Uranus clears his station and turns to what he calls forward motion. These last few days may have felt like wading through peanut butter in your brain. In order to move through this we must exercise strong persistent perseverance. Visualize a clear goal and steadily continue to move toward it.

December 23 somber Saturn steps into Sagittarius compelling us to take a long, hard look at our belief systems and what really needs to shift for the greater as a society. Be aware to not dump your judgment on others without taking extra time to look the implications on your own behavior. Wrap your mind around the fact that there may not be a solution to challenges but instead an adapting point. As the ringed-one retrogrades next year from June 14 to September 17, 2015 he will revisit the tail end of the Scorpio points he just departed one more time. This brings a possibility that we need to clean up a few more things before he glides forward once again into the open-minded sign of the Archer. When he does, he stays until December 21, 2017.

January 3, Venus floats into Aquarius inspiring an ease and independence in our relationships. Some may find their partners acting aloof. Don’t let it knock you off balance. Use this time to take the love you have and spread it around universally.

Mercury joins the Goddess of love in Aquarius the very next day on January 4. Heightened awareness and multidimensional vision is available helping us to see a greater amount of possibilities then we have been able to over the past months. This is sure to create unusual new communications in the media and unexpected happenings in the news. This period is prolonged due to Mercury’s first retrograde of 2015 when causing him to stay in the Water-bearer’s sign through March 12. I am looking forward to seeing what this does for all of us!

January 4 the Moon is full in sensitive Cancer. This creates cautious, lovable and caring feelings. Meanwhile our egos ruled by the Sun—who is in the opposite sign of rational Capricorn—urge us to seek out financial security. Luna is conjunct personal planets Mercury and Venus causing some crazy shopping behavior and communications. A lose square from Pluto in pragmatic Capricorn adds exceptional alchemy to the terrestrial stew. It is always a good idea to use Pluto’s presence as a reminder to move ahead as he never supports stagnation or hesitancy. Intense mood swings are possible, so be forewarned. Let’s place a portion of our attention to the political arena as there is likely to be an interesting display as the year comes to a close.

Mars swims into the sign of the two fishes January 12. While visiting the watery home of Pisces we are inspired to lay down our weapons and find ourselves a much more sensitive. The upside is that any competitions slow down as edges are noticeably softened. This transit lasts until February 19, and is an excellent period for finding ourselves on gallant ground as we disarm potential bombs and quite contrarily initiate spiritual and artistic activities.

The Sun enters Aquarius January 20 for his annual visit. The water bearer teachers us detachment and the best way I know of to work with the timeless state of meditation. Take care in your times of witnessing to not alienate those you love. Hold your tongue and think things through a little longer before blurting. This helps to keep the surface smooth and everyone in harmony.

I wish you a New Year filled with Love, Laughter, Happiness, Great Health and Abundance! I am here to help guide you with stellar expertise! Contact me for your appointment today.

I invite you to read on for my predictions for the 12 signs.


Aries March 19/20 to April 20/21
Keep talkative tendencies in check to be sure confidential information stays put. Extra focus on immediate environment is necessary particularly within your living space. Family members demand extra time. Keep your focus and intentions clear so as to stay on track with goals and aspirations. Gently place romantic matters on the back burner to give full attention to detail prior to launching your innovative future plans. The gratitude you receive later is worth it. A new group of like-minded people invite you into their inner circle. Say yes as this brings many new friends and a vast array of opportunities.

The year ahead is filled with lovers and plenty of time for play. This activating energy affects children and creative projects as well. Make good choices as to how to place this to good use.

Taurus April 20/21 to May 21/22
Everything you have been hoping for in the work sector dials clearly into focus. Go for the final push toward the raise on your outside of the box proposal. Your charisma and charm are irresistible. Adding to this the odd and bizarre are on your side helping you gain momentum. Creativity is peaking and everyone is saying yes to your ideas. It is as if you have the only point and everyone wants to move toward this target. Adding to the high, your love life is peaking. Existing romances receive a super charge.

The year ahead for single bulls has family members trying all sorts of tricks to pair you up. If imagination is your priority, your juices are flowing! Redesign your schedule and make time for your personal creativity.

Gemini May 21/22 to June 21/22
It is time to dust off your notebook and sign up for those courses you had almost given up on. Time suddenly spreads open and gives you the perfect opportunity to return to your long dormant studies. If you have been saving and wondering when you can get back to them, the time is now. Go through your old journals to find the hints and gems that are leading you on this quest. The amazing news is that you are about to be fully funded for this adventure so dream big!

The year ahead is filled with new attractions and visits to former passions. This is taking shape in people, places and things. Do your best to observe all possibilities before committing.           

Cancer June 22/23 to July 22/23
Finances may seem like a game of fifty-two pick up but hang on as this is only short-term. The best way to avoid upsets is to clearly plot and plan long-range ideas and schemes so that when opportunity shows itself you are ready willing and able to put it into action. Meanwhile groupings of events long overdue for retirement are now ready to let go. Fortunately you feel closer to nature and more clearly led by your intuition than you have in a very long time. Trust your heart, it is always right!

The year ahead continues to shower you with a steady flow of gifts. When making decisions make top-of-the-line and extravagant choices. You deserve it.

Leo July 22/23 to August 23/24
Take some extra down-time so you are able to tune into your dreams and quiet inward journeys. If you have been trying to choose between various offers go for the smaller gatherings rather than the larger and stick with local travel instead of foreign. There is no need to stir things up right now. The extra space in-between thoughts and soothes you into quiet. This helps you to handle unexpected tremors at work and in your social circles.

The year ahead is yummy and full of love and romance. In addition many old loose ends are easily tied up. Put all your energy to good use and give to others whenever possible. Adding to your cosmic gift list, your intuition is spot on.

Virgo August 23/24 to September 23/24
Daily routines and habits are changing. Life is like this. We always move forward and never in reverse. Though change is not your favorite state to be in, you must find a way to embrace it. Perhaps now is not the best time to stick with status quo or old pragmatic patterns. Relax and think things out with regards to your finances. This is an opportunity to witness your reactive state and choose to be gentler on yourself and others.

The year ahead is a parade of similar types and situations. Smoothly negotiate this by catching and identifying similarities early on. This helps to avoid recurrences and unnecessary stressors. It is also an opportunity to practice kindness.

Libra September 23/24 to October 23/24
Be the one to reach out to the people you miss. Let them know you are thinking of them and how important they are in your life. Your new relationship is filled with exotic nuances never before experienced. Enjoy it. New friends and locations are on the horizon. Get everything in order and be prepared to journey off into exciting new territories. Revisit social situations you have been avoiding with a fresh new perspective. Find ways to have them work and produce for you, rather than acting like an energy drain.

The year ahead brings you into many new situations that you have been craving for a long time. Trust them to be of great assistance in the realization of your goals.

Scorpio October 23/24 to November 22/23
Trust your intuition and head spontaneously into all projects. The relationships that feel like home are indeed the right ones so go ahead and make a long-term commitment. There is no problem with extending a trial period if needed. Either way you win. Moving or remodeling is in the forefront as a way to launch this New Year. Once this project is underway you can indeed relax back into the creative venture that had been pushed to the back burner.

The year ahead continues to be about work and perseverance. This is a wave worth riding as long as you set some time aside for yourself. You have the ability to be successful in all of your endeavors.

Sagittarius November 22/23 to December 21/22
Happiness comes from meeting an intellectual challenge. It has been quite some time since you have felt enough support and space to pursue this. Your living situation has changed for the better and though you may feel a bit cramped, you find that adapting and facing the challenges offers opportunity to delegate responsibility and in turn provides you with more space and time. Use this to rise above hang-ups and see the gifts before you.

The year ahead beckons you to discover and experience things in a way you never have before. Try a new look to spice things up.

Capricorn December 21/22 to January 20/21
Have you been craving a big change? This is the perfect time to do a one-eighty or better yet go off in a completely unusual new direction. Have you been dreaming about starting your own business or completely changing careers? All indicators show you are bubbling with triumph. Before heading out on too many interviews, really decide what it is you want. Design it clearly in your mind. This helps to weed out unnecessary routes and places you on the fast track to success.

The year ahead is filled with innovative solutions and creative projects. You are on top of your game and able to see solutions clearly. Be grateful.
Aquarius January 20/21 to February 18/19
A major new beginning is occurring so stand ready to receive. It is fine to take a little extra time before plunging head first as long as you keep your mind clear that this is inevitably happening. Invest by exploring new social offerings as well as different financial sectors. All of these prove to pay back immensely when you make a full commitment. There is no need to do so right away. Wait until you are completely confident.

The year ahead helps you realize that when you share deeply from the core of your being, you are better than when you are isolated and alone. Go out and connect with new people and the ones you love.

Pisces February 18/19 to March 19/20
You are an imaginative being. For some reason you let the mundane needs of life get in the way and pull you off this point. Find your tools and get back to the expression you love. This helps you to feel whole and happy once again. All creative expressions including children and lovers play in the forefront. Take plenty of time to give attention to all of them. It is as if you are warming up and awakening from a long dormant time. Enjoy each and every opportunity and document them well.

The year ahead shows you the importance of happiness in your work. Let yourself be led to unusual assignments involving foreign languages and hidden information. The discovery of solutions fills you with joy.

Master Astrologer Ambika Devi, la Chica de las Estrellas has been a working Astrologer since 1974 when she was a child. She received her degree from NorthStar College of Astrological Studies in Tropical Astrology in 2003 and received her name while writing for the Spanglish Times in Phoenix, AZ. La Chica has been featured as a relationship expert on the Learning Channel and has consulted for companies including IBM and the J.W. Marriott. In 2010 elements of Jyotish, the art of Indian Astrology have been added to her repertoire. Contact her for consultations including relationship, career, health and finding your life path. Printed Astrological reports are available by request.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Moon Wisdom November 22, 2014 7:32:14 a.m. EST Jensen Beach, FL©Ambika Devi

The New Moon in Sagittarius beckons us to shoot for the stars. Ask yourself “What is my polestar to which I set my course and sail this ship of life?” Then, take a small step in that direction. Hold fast to your imaginings, hopes and visualizations. We dip into the winter dream time in the northern hemisphere and awaken to summertime in the southern hemisphere and are summoned to meditate upon positive changes. In the Solstice time we are invited to give freely of our hearts to those around us. How are you expressing this?

November 27 Mercury cruises into Sagittarius the centaur’s, dominion. While he visits this lofty vista we are able to have a bird’s eye view of life. This gives us opportunity to reach higher than ever before in order to boost our divine connection. Put this to good use by mending broken fences and connecting loose ends.

Mars the warrior cruises into Aquarius December 4 where he remains until January 12, 2015. While he visits the heady kingdom of the water bearer we navigate the unconscious mind with greater ease. This is an opportunity to strip away old beliefs and release people, places and things that no longer serve the highest interest of all. This clearing and cleansing that lasts for the coming 23 months.

The Full Moon December 6 in Gemini eases the method to arrive at an endpoint by showing you the tiny steps necessary to get there. Domestic life can easily move into bliss due to family get-togethers for the holidays combined with a heart full of giving.

Jupiter takes a reverse path in fellow fire sign Leo December 8. This lasts until April 8, 2015. During this retrograde Jupiter slows down and seeming cools off a bit. This is a great time to work quietly on projects and formulate plans of action for the future. Your light shines brightly for self-study and realization. Let this flame smolder within you.

Venus moves into Capricorn December 10. While visiting the mountain goat, the goddess of attraction slows down to plan her path with meticulous detail. Follow her lead and look at what you really want. Choose to let the ideas that do not serve any good dissipate in the wind.

Mercury touches down on the mountainside of Capricorn joining the goddess December 16. The heightened sense of awareness we gained in the last three weeks can now be invested into our future. Where are you planning to place yours? Turn inward to tune into your wishes and hopes of this year to find the answers.

December 21, outrageous Uranus turns direct in the fiery sign of Aries. Prepare to receive the unexpected! Two days later on December 23 Saturn flies into Sagittarius. With so much heat we can easily overdo energetic expenditure, so it is best to monitor your output in order to keep a mindful watch. Contact me to engage in a private consultation for help with this. Later this same day, the Sun steps into Capricorn signaling the Solstice. This turn around point shifts the length of days and jostles our footing. Catch yourself when you vacillate between ideas and thoughts. The best choice to harness your energy is meditation. Consider engaging me for a private session or catch one of our group classes.

I wish you heartful month of gracious giving. May your projects find their completion through your newly found inspirations!

I invite you to read on for my predictions for the 12 signs.

Aries March 19/20 to April 20/21
Clean up the mess that occurred last month. Carefully straighten out the misunderstanding and smooth out all communication. The hardest part is facing yourself in the mirror and admitting that you made a mistake. Once this happens it is a lot easier to go to your partner and admit your blunder. Slow down and really take in what it feels like to be forgiven. This is not at all the way it used to go for you in the past. Instead of running off on a holiday, choose to stay close to home and enjoy what it feels like to have a functional relationship full of clear communication. This is what mature connecting is all about. Now you can take a step toward being more open and honest in with your feelings and let this reflect in your actions.

Taurus April 20/21 to May 21/22
You are in the driver’s seat so take a firm hold of the reins and steer your chariot to excellence! Choose to socialize with the best of your connections and be sure your passport is in order so as to take advantage of a foreign travel offer. To feel comfortable while taking this time away, pay off upcoming bills in advance and prepare as much as you are able to prior to departure. The more you can handle now the better, as once the adventure begins your priorities shift and your reserves may appear to dwindle. Do not let this take you away from your spiritual quest. Nothing trumps your higher connection to the divine. These next two years are the most important of your life. Savor each and every moment. 

Gemini May 21/22 to June 21/22
Diligently work through all of your tasks and requirements. In a couple weeks everything turns upside down. For now, dive deep into your dreams and fantasies. What you imagine today becomes your reality tomorrow. As you systematically clear out the tasks on your desk, visualize the upcoming time when you will escape your daily routine and runaway with your lover. You may have to take a side journey through holiday parties with colleagues, but know this is a great opportunity to rub elbows with a small group of eccentric geniuses and idiosyncratic visionaries. Don’t let paranoia creep in. No matter what, keep on top of what your sense of reality is.

Cancer June 22/23 to July 22/23
Great opportunities are here at your fingertips. You have been craving the perfect business partner and they are already present. Realize it was that had not been ready until this moment. A windfall of money comes your way which is easily handles a long outstanding dept. Give thanks for this great gift. You can now be a philanthropic giver and deserve to do so. A great deal of travel is being offered to you. Why not say yes. Sure you often prefer to stay home, but now is a good time to press a little more outside your box and go on an adventure. Though all of this seems quite contrary to your idea of normal it soon fits like a comfortable sweater and wraps you in happiness.

Leo July 22/23 to August 23/24
Place focus on your future so that you can create well deserved happiness. You are ready to take relationships to a deeper and more committed level. In order to find out where your partner is in the scheme of things, create time to sit down and talk this all out. To handle extra stressors be sure to monitor your eating and resting habits. If you are thinking of trying a new regime, be sure to honestly ask yourself if you are happy and feel comfortable in it. If no, this is not the best choice at this time. A project finally reaches completion and the long awaited honors and praises you deserve come your way. Enjoy your time in the limelight.

Virgo August 23/24 to September 23/24
You are experiencing a delicious river of sensual joy. It quite possibly is the most romance you have every immersed yourself in. Ride it and feel confident knowing you deserve the new sense of freedom and all of the pleasure it reflects into your life. All of this amps up your energy level and you feel as if you can accomplish twice of what you thought possible. Keep on your inspired train of thought as it is easy to become sidetracked during the holidays. The best way to keep the creative juices flowing is through your dreams. Find a friend to share them with in order to keep you honestly on course.   

Libra September 23/24 to October 23/24
Destabilization of what you thought was a foundation is happening. You are moving and have completely uprooted and changed your life. The creative partnership you had almost given up on has suddenly rolled to a rest at your feet. It is as if by magic and overnight that your life has changed direction. For those who had felt stagnant and unable to move, you now find your sails full with the winds of change and your hearts blissfully happy. The complete and final shift you crave may feel as if it is coming a little slower than you had hoped, but rest assured it shows up by April. Relax and savor the shifts and changes, these are all part of building your joy.

Scorpio October 23/24 to November 22/23
Keep pressing forward with career expansion and watch as new opportunities appear to supplement your income. Stay on top of your writing and correspondence. Your ability to attract and create is happening without being a doer. You simply trust and give it over to the higher power and it all gets done. Keep your positive outlook and bright smile shining. Your heart is overflowing with generosity and the timing is right for the season of giving. Be grateful for your abundance, your health and happiness after reflecting over the years that have led you to this point.

Sagittarius November 22/23 to December 21/22
Take extra time to compile a list of resolutions for the coming year. While doing so, really reflect on the past by going back even further than you think is necessary. To honor the new found ease you are experiencing, give attention to your spiritual side by choosing and area of your home and create a sanctuary, meditation space or altar. Allow yourself plenty of quiet time to dive into the mellow meditative state. During these peaceful introspective rest periods place intention on receiving guidance as to how to proceed with your career. Success is soon to follow.                   

Capricorn December 21/22 to January 20/21
Go ahead and pack for the trip you have been holding off on. This is a good time to be away from the office as in-house drama and gossip is at a peak. If you choose to stay and face it, resolve to engage the support of like-minded allies. Emotionally charged topics are easier than ever to negotiate so use your added strength and forge ahead. Home is an area of continued support. This helps to set a solid foundation for the coming transitions in your work arena. You are able to embrace change now more than ever before so go ahead and risk a little.
Aquarius January 20/21 to February 18/19
The new beginning is no longer a distant idea, it is here upon you. If relationship is your desire, you are finding the possibilities infinite so stick to your list of must haves and choose wisely. Creativity and invention are flowing from your fingertips in a river of opportunities. Stand strong in your power and accept all invitations. Your thoughts are strongly manifesting reality so mind them and stay in integrity. A new romance manifests for the holidays. Those of you in committed relationships have the opportunity to take yours to a higher height.

Pisces February 18/19 to March 19/20
Can you hear the call to action? The time to hunker down and plan your attack is now. Visualize a new job or creative project. Your muse is standing by with notepad in hand ready to take note of your desires and wishes in order to turn them into a reality. Release this all over and watch as a cohesive path unfolds for you. All the energy you need to make this happen is at your fingertips. Trust and let go. The luminescent beam of light and inspiration is yours for the taking. Just go for it! 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Moon Wisdom October 23, 2014 5:56:38 p.m. EDT Jensen Beach, FL©Ambika Devi

The New Moon in Scorpio beckons you to dive deep into your psyche. Today we experience the final Solar Eclipse of the year. As I type this a little on the late side, I am already realizing some of the effects this is having on me—I wonder about you.

Though this eclipse is only partial it is indeed casting shadows from the Bering Sea, sweeping across the Maska Peninsula, onto Canada, the USA, Mexico and the upper portions of Guatemala and Belize. The path ends in the mid-west and never makes it to my location. Those of you who experience it will have to write to me and tell me what you feel.

Wherever the shadow touches is shaken and stirred like an energetic cocktail. Those of you from these places originally that are not there at the moment, will indeed feel the effects. The power of a pair of eclipses sets the tone for the coming six months. We experienced the first of this assemblage on October 8 in a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. You can refresh your memory in my last posting of Moon Wisdom.

Today’s Solar Eclipse has the Sun and the lunar goddess in the first degree of Scorpio insisting we dive in deeply to revisit everything that has occurred since springtime. Ask yourself “What do I need to learn from this year?” and what am I ready to let go of once and for all?”

A gentle trine from the misty visions of Neptune in Pisces, is sure to deliver answers through your dreams. If you are needing to get going on a project or really complete one that you have had a challenge bringing forward from the back-burner, passionate Mars in transcendent Sagittarius is sure to inspire you and shows you the existential meaning of it all. Venus is in exact conjunction to this New Moon bringing new love to many. Those in committed relationships need to focus on placing this intense passion on your partner so as to not run astray.

October 25, Mercury turns direct after his final retrograde of the year. We can all breathe a sigh of relief that our electronics are working more efficiently and smoothly as aptitude elevates and returns to the workplace. You may ask why I traveled during a Mercury retrograde. Here is the trick: book the tickets before it happens and be sure to take off and return during it. This is the secret to impeccable travel during such a transit! My trip was absolutely the best ever and the retrograde period was the perfect opportunity to reconnect with the place of my childhood and all the people from my past.

Mars moves into Capricorn October 26. This is great for those of us needing a little help to keep disciplined with projects and daily routines. If you have yet to make the changes you hope for, now is the time to set them into action. I recommend utilizing this 40 day transit to really attack the daunting projects you have had a rough time getting started on. I promise they will move easily and you are going to make great progress.

November 8, Mercury travels into Scorpio providing a second opportunity to get to the root of the matter. Plunge into deep meditation and find the answers that have hovered just out of reach all year long. Over the next few days Mars connects with the outer planets adding spice to the powerful Scorpionic explorations. Those of you, who have had a tendency toward paranoia this year, need to find ways to relax and trust through this hustle and bustle. His first stop is a conjunction with Pluto on November 10. This causes explosions of vitality and necessary fuel to complete or destroy projects. If they are meant to be they are zooming ahead. If they are dead-end choices, you are letting them go. This is not up for negotiations.

November 12 the trickster continues on to a meeting with eccentric Uranus. These two laugh at the stern get-together of sensual Venus and serious Saturn occurring this same day. All of this takes place in the sign of Scorpio. The hard and true facts in relationships and personal pursuits are revealed. It is time to face the music and quit your denial. I am here to help you through all of this. Contact me today for your consultation so I can guide you to make the absolute best choices for your inspired future.

After his cryptic back peddling in his home sign of Pisces, Neptune turns direct November 15. Art and creative projects trickle at first and then run like a raging river toward completion. Stay tuned for my next book on the topic of happiness and Ayurveda! I have been waiting until now to complete the manuscript with my long-time friend who happens to be my doctor. This is due to release next year.

November 16 the Goddess Venus leaps into the sign of the Centaur. While in the lofty location of Sagittarius, she lets us know what we really want in relationships and pushes us further on our path of self-realization. Great ways to put this to good use are to plan to attend an end of the year retreat or workshop.

The final noteworthy planetary shift for this lunar month occurs November 22, when the Sun enters Sagittarius. Heartfelt matters heat up and boundaries disappear. Take it easy on superfluous spending and monitor your choices. The best way to handle this is to see more than just two sides of the coin. If you can’t come up with alternatives, ask me to help you make key decisions. Indeed risk-taking is an option but I want you to be safe and sound.

I wish you deeply healing dreams and a month of gentle transformation. May your projects find their completion through your newly found inspirations!

I invite you to read on for my predictions for the 12 signs.

Aries March 19/20 to April 20/21
It is a really good idea to reach beyond the boundaries of your normal circle and outside of the box. Take extra care with your diet and be sure to give yourself the needed time to rest, as this places extra demands on your dwindling supply of energy. Recent turbulence continues to shake up your plans. Take as much opportunity to remain still as you possibly can. This is not your normal modus operandi but you have no choice other than to let go and move with it. Hidden mysteries are finally revealed. It takes a keen eye to sort through information and open your heart to the proper areas of release.

Taurus April 20/21 to May 21/22
Go easy on your inner circle of friends. They are experiencing challenges with regard to communication and cannot be expected to make perfect sense. Any misunderstandings must be cleared up in person. Failure to do so exacerbates the current situation. Invest your power of intense communication on work and let social connections sort themselves out. Patience pays off when a long awaited loan or financial approval finally comes through. Sparks of electricity shower down causing emotions to flare. You are now in high gear. Utilize this as an opportunity to build anew. Repeat this mantra “All change is good” and trust that it really is!

Gemini May 21/22 to June 21/22
Mysterious annoyances with your daily routine have a reprise. Take this as an opportunity rather than a reason for self-loathing. Now you are able to get to the root cause and benefit from the changes as you rectify your recent choices. Really look at the parallels between communications, relationships and health. Everything that has come to pass is due to speedy decisions which were made with less than sufficient thought and evaluation time. This inevitable clean-up helps you sweep out the old and make way for the much better new.         

Cancer June 22/23 to July 22/23
Creativity both inside your most intimate relationships and outwardly in your original artistic endeavors increases. Sudden changes in career, potentially take you to new heights in earning and recognition. Exercise new modes of communication to find and secure work. Take time now to set goals for the coming year. Ask yourself what it is you want to achieve and allow the dream-realm to present the answers as to how to achieve them. When you feel the urge to resurrect an ancient project, follow it. This hidden jewel deserves to be dusted off in order to sparkle and shine.

Leo July 22/23 to August 23/24
Domestic bumps continue unless you are able to drop your tendency toward stubborn behavior. The air is cleared and this gives way to new and improved methods of expressing yourself. These help to rekindle the passion that had almost been extinguished. Former lovers and friends show up out of nowhere placing undue stress on your present situation. A request to travel from your job or by your family unexpectedly creates strain on your delicate personal relationship. Keep your nose to the grindstone and work diligently to stay on course. Resist all temptation as the repercussions cause regret that can never be righted.   

Virgo August 23/24 to September 23/24
An opportunity to enroll in a different course of study leads you to new possibilities in love. This heightens your awareness and brings you to a whole new level. Don’t be surprised if this is an old friend you had passed over as platonic in the past. It takes very little to change the course of your current financial situation for the better. Once a tiny crack gives way, a flood of abundance quenches what you had thought was an arid wasteland. Use this windfall to help those less fortunate and subsidize their dreams and visions with your philanthropic support. This in turn super charges your tomorrow.

Libra September 23/24 to October 23/24
Take time to really investigate your choices. You have jumped to make selections without really thinking them through this year and have paid dearly for this. The shortcoming has been in your ability to give into clear communication. You can no longer avoid the inevitable. Are you ready, willing and able to grow up and learn from your experiences? When you are presented with the opportunities to go for that entrepreneurial dream make the choice to stop hiding in your dead-end relationship. Place your career in the forefront. This is your future at stake. Make good choices!

Scorpio October 23/24 to November 22/23
This is it Scorpio, it is your time to shine! You have been patiently working incredibly hard and denying yourself the pleasures of life for many years. So many opportunities are coming your way now including creative projects, romance and increased finance. Take a slow long deep breath in and give thanks. You deserve this. It has indeed been a lifetime coming. Imagine what you dearly want and watch as it manifests. Your spiritual quests merge with your intense imagination now. Together they quench the parched areas of your life. Get ready to glow in the center and find yourself surrounded by a whole new family of friends. Smile, you are a superstar!

Sagittarius November 22/23 to December 21/22
Your love life gets a reboot that launches you into a whole new way of feeling and behaving. You may have thought you knew how this all works but as you find yourself in an intense new level you realize that there are much higher heights to reach. Many past patterns that had been buried for years come to the surface for evaluation and healing. On the career front, the slow earning period is over. That second job you had been considering comes through just in time giving you the ability to shower your loved ones for the holidays and build up your depleted reserves.
Capricorn December 21/22 to January 20/21
An opportunity to learn about your connection to the greater is the chance of a lifetime. Say yes and trust that you are being divinely led. Ignore the feeling that you do not have enough time to weigh things out. There is only one decision and you know what it is deep inside. Remove yourself from superficial distractions and tune into the message of your soul. Allow your heart to lead you to the perfect choice for a positive outcome. You have an abundance of energy so go ahead and work longer hours to get the job done. Find a way to honor your spiritual side through service and devotion.        
Aquarius January 20/21 to February 18/19
Amazing new job opportunities present themselves and all you have to do is say yes to all of them. These win you accolades and honors. At first this may all feel a little overwhelming, but soon you have the reigns and manage to tame the workload. There is no stopping you now. The immediate speed gently decreases and you are able to take on all projects and bring them to completion. Be sure to celebrate your achievements and share the abundance with your family and friends. A whole new chapter is beginning. You must hold the pen proudly for you are writing the script of your future.

Pisces February 18/19 to March 19/20
The perfect mate may be the one you are already with. Take a moment and look at this before running astray. It could be that you just need to make a change at work in order to satisfy your urge for something new. Imagination and creativity are in high gear. Plug this into your long dormant creative projects. Wake up and realize that your financial situation is fixable. Then take the steps to turn it around. Choosing a new career path and going after higher pay is rewarded. Don’t let the idea of increased responsibilities turn you off. You can handle this. Go and get what you deserve.

Master Astrologer Ambika Devi, la Chica de las Estrellas has been a working Astrologer since 1974 when she was a child. She received her degree from NorthStar College of Astrological Studies in Tropical Astrology in 2003 and received her name while writing for the Spanglish Times in Phoenix, AZ. La Chica has been featured as a relationship expert on the Learning Channel and has consulted for companies including IBM and the J.W. Marriott. In 2010 elements of Jyotish, the art of Indian Astrology have been added to her repertoire. Contact her for consultations including relationship, career, health and finding your life path. Printed Astrological reports are available by request. visit: