Wednesday, March 6, 2019

New Moon 15 degrees Pisces March 6 2019

We experienced the New Moon at 11:03:51 a.m. EST on the morning of March 6, 2019 in the sensitive sign of Pisces.

A new moon is when Luna is traveling along with the Sun and today during the exact point of the New Moon at they were at 15 degrees Pisces. This gives us an opportunity for gentle contemplation. Neptune the ruler of the watery realm of Pisces happened to be right alongside this magickal transit at 16 degrees. 

All New Moons are potent times for setting new intentions for our expansion. A Pisces lunation brings with it a great potential for healing. The sign of the two fishes can be just as fickle as it can be empathetic and soulful and this new moon also has us feeling intense ripples of energy that we have no explanation for. 

Today I wish for you to be extra gentle with yourself. Be loving and allow yourself a moment to turn inward and dream. Hopefully you celebrated with a circle of close supportive friends.
The trickster planet Mercury hit his stalling point of station to begin his retrograde motion of backpedaling through Pisces. This backtracking is likely to stir up a lot of feelings over the next few weeks about our personal values and what we stand for. I suggest you set clear intentions today.

This new moon is bringing our wildest dreams bubbling to the surface. The waters ruled by Neptune supercharge us with psychic receptivity. Minding our thoughts and keeping our focus on what is positive and good for the world and all sentient beings is the best choice. 

I can imagine this is a time of great transition for you. Many of my clients and friends—myself included—have been undergoing massive changes and rebranding.

There are two more transits that can be cited as causes of what many are experiencing in the current shaking and shifting. They are the transit movements of Chiron and Uranus.

The Planetoid Chiron who represents past wounds both from this life—and if you believe in karmic patterns—the carry-overs from past lives; has just moved into the energetic sign of Aries.
This can give the feeling that we are being transformed by flames. It is as if a firecracker of change is lighting up a new sector of your natal chart. Chiron had been in Pisces since February 9, 2011 and now he is inspiring a sudden whoosh of energy. I urge you to look back and think about where you were back in 2011. Now look at where you are and how far you have come!
If you are shaking your head saying “no way” right now and feel like the flow of energy has suddenly hit the brakes— this is coming from the planet Uranus who has just entered the earthy sign of Taurus.
Uranus is creating turbulence and in his current position the rumbles are under the surface. Trust me; you are going to see them soon. I personally noticed the most intense period since October 2018 through the Full moon this past February 19, 2019. I have seen patterns in businesses and in individuals showing the intensity of this. We can see it in world news as well.

A Pisces new moon plays with us by juxtaposing the real and the unreal. The ground may feel as though it is shifting but I promise, as soon as the dust settles, the seeds you plant today are going to take root! Choose wisely what you are planting and where you are placing your hopes and dreams.
Need guidance? 

I am your Galactic Navigator. Contact me today and get your star map steering you in the right direction!