Thursday, December 6, 2018

New Moon in Sagittarius December 7, 2018 2:20:14 a.m. EST

The New Moon at 7⁰ Sagittarius 15’ has us wondering what comes next. You may have misread a tense situation and an opportunity that is inviting you to take a deep dive into the knowing of what you really want in your life. Sagittarius is the optimist and expands everything he comes in contact with. 

December 7, 2018 Mercury turns station direct in Scorpio quincunx Uranus in Aries. This blasts a chord of discontent to many. With Mercury once again heading forward, it can be challenging to hold on as you are likely experiencing chattering vibrations and a bumpy ride. Anxiety and nerves are heightened and there is a preternatural stillness that has you staring into space, wondering what comes next. Be gentle with yourself.
A New Moon is a conjunction with our Sun. This is what causes the Moon to be dark during these three days in the orb of a New Moon.

Boisterous Jupiter—the ruler of Sagittarius—rose early this morning along with the Sun and the Moon.
Sagittarius represents our ability to reach high and set clear goals. I suggest focusing on only what you really want. 

Before doing this, it is also important to be centered and grounded. A little trick I like to use is to stand with my legs slightly wider than my shoulders, with my knees relaxed. Next, breathe in and out of your nose. Then, bounce your heels against the ground keeping the toes and balls of the feet planted and in contact with it. After 10 to 15 bounces, stand still with eyes closed. Here is a lesson I taught to my students:

This helps you reestablish your vision and allows you to release the pent up pressure you have which keeps you from blowing up!
Resentment and insult are signs of denying vulnerability. Reaction to tension is a choice. When we react, this creates more tension. Instead, we must respond to all challenges from the heart. This gives the ability to sail smoothly into 2019.
When you are able to relax, the rewards return in a big way. Focus on clearly communicating and speaking what you truly want during the orb of the New Moon through December 8, as Mercury moves direct and picks up speed once again.
As we move into 2019 it pays to have humility, understanding, and compassion. This shows maturity and aides in overcoming pride.  Turn within and self-evaluate rather than judging others.

Mercury in a square aspect to the 11th house ruled by Leo in this New Moon chart and gives a great opportunity for reevaluation of self. The 11th house represents the groups and organizations we are connected with.

The holiday season and coming of the new year can indeed be a challenge with Vesta in Aquarius causing us to crave freedom rather than going after our dreams. Why squelch it? Ask yourself how you can find the balance?

Are you seeking a partner?

Venus in Scorpio causes a craving for love and support in the arms of the perfect mate and wanting more than ever to make this sensation into a home with a hearth. This is due to Ceres in Scorpio urging you into an emotional commitment. Don’t jump too fast! it is best to be sure and I suggest weighing out all possibilities!

The Sun in a tight square to Neptune has us questioning our perceptions of reality and looking at the world with foggy glasses. 

This also creates slippery ground which is not good for finding our footing.

It can seem that the more you try—the more you feel swallowed up and drawn into the depths of paranoia. Neptune square this lunation can cause depression. I suggest reaching out to those you trust for comfort. It is better to stop holding on thinking you can handle all of this alone. Instead find new creative ways to get on track.

Watch out for martyr tendencies and have a reality check regarding your limitations and attributes. This is due to Pallas Athena hovering on the Horizon in the 12th house in Libra, sextile the lunation. Saturn is square to Pallas and closing in on Pluto over the next year when the two fully conjoin on January 12, 2020. This gives us time to prepare for inevitable transformation. 

Cultivate intelligence and sharpen the mind. Hold the tongue to avoid Tourette’s like outbursts. Choose humor instead. Breathe more deeply and look at both sides of challenging situations by choosing diplomacy over defense.

Put any extra energy into creativity and learning.  This is going to help to keep the mind focused and wrangle the sub vocalization of inner chatter into submission.

Here is the chart of the New Moon in Sagittarius for December 7, 2018
Need help with all of this? Contact me today for an Astrological Consultation.
I wish you a December full of Love and Magick!
Ambika Devi

Thursday, November 8, 2018

New Moon in Scorpio November 8, at 11:01:56 EST

A New Moon in the mysterious sign of Scorpio today, November 8, at 11:01:56 EST draws you down deep into the craggy corners of the Mind. Keep your eyes open for things that can trip you up and transform your life forever. Take Extra Care in each Next Step! Pluto is the ruler of this powerful 8th house sign and we don't want to mess around with him!

Take extra care with paranoia and when you feel a sensation of it, back up, breathe, and meditate. Don't let one of the most transformative and wonderful energies of your life pass you by! The Mantra for Scorpio, the 8th House, and Pluto is definitely "All changes good!" for this lunar cycle.
You may be halted in your tracks or forced onto a new path.
Do you want to make big moves and transform your career? Go for it as the force is strong today and all lunar month!
Let go of egocentric decisions in relationships. This is an opportunity to overcome your pride.
Embrace a broadening in your circle of friends. Say yes to opportunities involving new groups.
Those of you in relationships or seeking one are likely to be experiencing a heightened sense of libido! Enjoy!

When things feel right place them properly into your foundation.
Need to know how this is affecting you personally? Contact me today to set up an appointment via phone or video chat.

Keep looking up, the stars are here to guide you and I am your Navigator!

Love and Magick always,
Ambika Devi Astrologer & Tarot Wizard
#Astrology #NewMoon #NewMooninScorpio #AmbikasWisdom #AmbikaDevi #Astrologer #WisdomFromTheMoon

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Hunter's Moon October 24, 2018 12:45:04 p.m. EDT

Today's Full Moon at 1áµ’ Taurus with the Sun at 1áµ’ Scorpio conjunct retrograding Venus at 4áµ’ Scorpio. Nearby are Jupiter and Mercury also in the fixed sign of Scorpio.

Intense attraction is likely to spontaneously occur so keep your eyes open and ask yourself if you are making good choices. This combination can easily lure you in a questionable direction and given all of the fixed signs at play here downright stubborn!

When the moon is in the sign of the bull it is exalted. Uranus is conjunct Luna adding a burst of the unexpected. Keep your eyes wide and be ready for anything and by all means put this to good use!

The Sun has just slipped into Scorpio luring you into the depths of your dreams and psyche. Go ahead an do a bit of clean up. Spring is not the only time of year for this! Now is an ideal time for internal cleansing as well as a household purge.

Be sure to look up in the sky this weekend after the sun sets to locate these planets:

Do you have a gratitude practice? This is the perfect time of year to begin one. Grab a journal and make a habit of writing three things in  the morning and again three things at night that give you a full-body-sensation of happiness and gratitude. This moon is the perfect time to begin!

Need Guidance? Contact me for a November appointment. 


Monday, October 8, 2018

New Moon in Libra tonight at 11:46:44 EDT

New Moon in Libra tonight at 11:46:44 EDT. Venus—Libra's ruler—is retrograde in Scorpio inspiring a possible purge, while Mars her lover is trine the lunation giving us a surge of energy. This could be showing up in love and social matters depending on where it is transiting your natal chart. There is definitely magick afoot. Allow yourself some space with hard aspects from Neptune on the Lunar event also. Watch your cravings and curb your appetite! A friend asked me if Mercury is retrograde and the answer is no! The feeling of that sort of confusion is due to Mercury in opposition to Uranus as well as his close proximity to retrograding Venus. That project you are trying so hard to push through needs more patience. The solution is not going to be what you expect. Use your intuition to guide you through the little bumps and relax. This is not the time to be pushy!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Aries Full Moon

Tonight at 10:52 p.m. EST we have a Full Moon in Aries that is sure to spark the imagination with a potential wildfire of ideas.

The mind may have been on fire with ideas today. Hopefully you found a way to harnesses the energy.
There is a Mystic Rectangle formed between the Moon in Aries on the threshold of the 11th house affecting your behavior especially with others. Also in Aries conjoining the Moon are Hygeia and Chiron in the 10th house of career. Have you decided to throw the cart over and disrupt the work patterns you have been following?

These planets and asteroids are in sextile to Mars and Lilith conjunct in Aquarius in the 9th house of lofty learning and all things foreign. Mars and Lilith make strange bedfellows and they continue the Mystic Rectangle with a trine to the Sun and Mercury in the 5th house of lovers and creative outlets. Meanwhile, the North Node in Leo in the 3rd house of communication and step by step learning has your tongue lashing, mind it!

Magick is most definitely afoot and if you can grab onto it you are sure to be initiating massive changes that are going to launch you into the next phase of your work, love, and learning-life all at once!

Thank goodness Saturn is stabilizing the 7th house so you likely won’t sign anything before you comb  it over.

This is a great time for learning. Stay tuned for my online Astrology course and while you wait, I invite you to book an appointment with me to find how this is transiting your natal chart.

Visit my site and book your appointment today!

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Today's Solar Partial Eclipse in Leo August 11, 2018

A solar Partial Eclipse happens when our Earth's Moon partially blocks out the light of the Sun and casts a shadow upon the Earth. Today's eclipse occurred at 18° Leo and carried a great deal of Fixed energy with it. See me for a detailed analysis of how this effects you personally and how best to put this to positive proactive use for the remainder of the year.

Ambika Devi, picked up her first deck of Tarot cards at the age of 7! She began reading professionally in 1972 and is a Certified Grand Tarot Master with the Tarot Guild. Ambika graduated with honors from NorthStar University of Astrology in 2003, has been a featured Relationship Expert on The Learning Channel and writes for periodicals. Ambika taught Holistic Health for three universities over a span of 21 years while coaching and bringing healing to thousands of clients. She is an award winning author with two books and your passionate guide on the mystic
journey of self-empowerment.
Learn more about Ambika Devi and read her full bio at Visit Ambika Devi’s home page at: Enjoy her Astrology blog at and her Yoga wisdom blog at

Here is the chart for today's  Partial Solar Eclipse New Moon August 11 2018

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Ambika Devi's answer to "Why is Chiron so much more important?

I was asked about Chiron by a seeker confusing the planetoid with Charon!
Here is my answer:

Ambika Devi, picked up her first deck of Tarot cards at the age of 7!
She began reading professionally in 1972 and is a Certified Grand Tarot
Master with the Tarot Guild. Ambika graduated with honors from NorthStar
University of Astrology in 2003, has been a featured Relationship
Expert on The Learning Channel and writes for periodicals. Ambika taught
Holistic Health for three universities over a span of 21 years while
coaching and bringing healing to thousands of clients. She is an award
winning author with two books and your passionate guide on the mystic
journey of self-empowerment.

Learn more about Ambika Devi and read her full bio at Visit Ambika Devi’s home page at: Enjoy her Astrology blog at
and her Yoga wisdom blog at

Friday, July 27, 2018

Total Eclipse of the Moon July 27, 2018

Celebrate the longest Total Eclipse of the Moon I have ever witnessed at 4:20:22 p.m. East Coast time today! Yes you read me right! Read on for all the details!

A Lunar Eclipse is caused by the Earth casting a shadow on the Full Moon as a result of it passing between the Sun and the Moon.

I would like to debunk statements that have been flying around the web the last few days due to today's Full Moon having a cosmic ton of hype associated with it.

1. False nonsense: The moon is going through an entire lunation cycle.

THE TRUTH: The Moon is Full during a Lunar eclipse. The fact is that it "appears to go through a cycle due to the progressive shadow being cast as a result of the Earth's shadow!
 The Moon remains full during a Lunar Eclipse!

2. False nonsense: This is the Blood Moon
THE TRUTH: Today's Eclipse produces a red colored Full Moon. The Blood Moon occurs in October. An easy way to remember this is think of pumpkins when you think of a reddish moon.

Many cultures give different names to the Full Moons. Different full moon names are found among the Celtic, Old English, and Native American cultures.
For more information on a variety of namesfor the Full Moons please visit:

It is true that today's Total Lunar eclipse is to be the longest one of the 21st century measuring at one hour and 43 minutes, and yes it is happening during a Mercury retrograde that began yesterday on July 26. For more accurate information on Mercury retrogrades please visit:
 Is this a big deal? That depends on your personal experience and where this lunation is transiting your chart!
Contact me for your Natal Astrology consultation during this Mercury Retrograde and receive a 90 minute session for the price of an hour! Message me to request this directly!
So why is this being called a Blood Moon?
This is due to the color the Moon will appear to have in areas where it is visible.
When our Full Moon is totally eclipsed; a reddish-brown color occurs.
When the Moon travels through the shadow during an eclipse—technically called the Earth's umbra which is the center portion of a shadow created— only a small portion of sunlight can reach the lunar surface through the Earth's atmosphere.
Due to this light waves become stretched out and create a reddish hue. This dark reddish hue looks similar to blood, and so we have the name!
I look forward to being your Astrologer!
With LOVE and Magick always,
Ambika Devi

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Mars Perihelion this July

Mars is now the brightest orb in the night sky outshining Sirius. This is due to his current perihelion path. He is going to reach his closest proximity to our blue planet on July 27. In addition, Mars is to go station—the appearance of standing still—on June 19 and begins a retrograde cycle on June 20. 

This picture is Mars in the evening sky June 9, 2018.
Anything on your drawing board that you want to bring to fruition can be focused on now as the red planet approaches this celestial event. In planetary relationships Pluto is the Alchemist and Mars inflames the fires. Both are responsible for rulership of Scorpio. This gives us a lot of potential for transformation and change but also for destruction. So, if you have anything you have been having a hard time letting go of, the next few months are going to help.
On July 27 Mars is going to oppose the Sun in Leo. This carries a lot of fire. Are things going to burn down? We shall see. I suggest exercising a great deal of care with flames and fires especially in conversations and relationships.
We can also put this to good use. If you have a project that you have had sitting on the back burner, now is the time to bring it forward and get it done. If you have any volatile conversations waiting to happen, I also urge you to handle them now.
We are sure to see many amazing creative breakthroughs in the media during these next few months as Mars completes his retrograde cycle on August 27. There can still be lingering effect through September 30 when Mars reaches his starting point for this progression.
How this affects you depends on where this transits your natal chart. I am available for natal and transit readings by phone and Skype as well as in person. 
 Contact me today and I can help you create a game-plan.

Keep looking up! The stars are here to guide us and I am your navigator!
Love, Ambika Devi