Thursday, December 6, 2018

New Moon in Sagittarius December 7, 2018 2:20:14 a.m. EST

The New Moon at 7⁰ Sagittarius 15’ has us wondering what comes next. You may have misread a tense situation and an opportunity that is inviting you to take a deep dive into the knowing of what you really want in your life. Sagittarius is the optimist and expands everything he comes in contact with. 

December 7, 2018 Mercury turns station direct in Scorpio quincunx Uranus in Aries. This blasts a chord of discontent to many. With Mercury once again heading forward, it can be challenging to hold on as you are likely experiencing chattering vibrations and a bumpy ride. Anxiety and nerves are heightened and there is a preternatural stillness that has you staring into space, wondering what comes next. Be gentle with yourself.
A New Moon is a conjunction with our Sun. This is what causes the Moon to be dark during these three days in the orb of a New Moon.

Boisterous Jupiter—the ruler of Sagittarius—rose early this morning along with the Sun and the Moon.
Sagittarius represents our ability to reach high and set clear goals. I suggest focusing on only what you really want. 

Before doing this, it is also important to be centered and grounded. A little trick I like to use is to stand with my legs slightly wider than my shoulders, with my knees relaxed. Next, breathe in and out of your nose. Then, bounce your heels against the ground keeping the toes and balls of the feet planted and in contact with it. After 10 to 15 bounces, stand still with eyes closed. Here is a lesson I taught to my students:

This helps you reestablish your vision and allows you to release the pent up pressure you have which keeps you from blowing up!
Resentment and insult are signs of denying vulnerability. Reaction to tension is a choice. When we react, this creates more tension. Instead, we must respond to all challenges from the heart. This gives the ability to sail smoothly into 2019.
When you are able to relax, the rewards return in a big way. Focus on clearly communicating and speaking what you truly want during the orb of the New Moon through December 8, as Mercury moves direct and picks up speed once again.
As we move into 2019 it pays to have humility, understanding, and compassion. This shows maturity and aides in overcoming pride.  Turn within and self-evaluate rather than judging others.

Mercury in a square aspect to the 11th house ruled by Leo in this New Moon chart and gives a great opportunity for reevaluation of self. The 11th house represents the groups and organizations we are connected with.

The holiday season and coming of the new year can indeed be a challenge with Vesta in Aquarius causing us to crave freedom rather than going after our dreams. Why squelch it? Ask yourself how you can find the balance?

Are you seeking a partner?

Venus in Scorpio causes a craving for love and support in the arms of the perfect mate and wanting more than ever to make this sensation into a home with a hearth. This is due to Ceres in Scorpio urging you into an emotional commitment. Don’t jump too fast! it is best to be sure and I suggest weighing out all possibilities!

The Sun in a tight square to Neptune has us questioning our perceptions of reality and looking at the world with foggy glasses. 

This also creates slippery ground which is not good for finding our footing.

It can seem that the more you try—the more you feel swallowed up and drawn into the depths of paranoia. Neptune square this lunation can cause depression. I suggest reaching out to those you trust for comfort. It is better to stop holding on thinking you can handle all of this alone. Instead find new creative ways to get on track.

Watch out for martyr tendencies and have a reality check regarding your limitations and attributes. This is due to Pallas Athena hovering on the Horizon in the 12th house in Libra, sextile the lunation. Saturn is square to Pallas and closing in on Pluto over the next year when the two fully conjoin on January 12, 2020. This gives us time to prepare for inevitable transformation. 

Cultivate intelligence and sharpen the mind. Hold the tongue to avoid Tourette’s like outbursts. Choose humor instead. Breathe more deeply and look at both sides of challenging situations by choosing diplomacy over defense.

Put any extra energy into creativity and learning.  This is going to help to keep the mind focused and wrangle the sub vocalization of inner chatter into submission.

Here is the chart of the New Moon in Sagittarius for December 7, 2018
Need help with all of this? Contact me today for an Astrological Consultation.
I wish you a December full of Love and Magick!
Ambika Devi

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