Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Mercury retrograde conjunct Saturn December 6, 2017

Retrograding Mercury has swooped back to connect with Saturn in Sagittarius. While the two converse today it is a good idea to get things cleaned up. If you have stagnant situations in stalemate, this could be the needed push to get them handled and cleared out.
Mercury backpedaling in his own sign of Gemini inspires possibility. Today, as he connects with Saturn in the sign of the archer, we are given an opportunity to look at the conversations of the last few days and those that are yet to be initiated.
The re-evaluative actions of this current transit to your natal chart shows the area in life where this is much needed. Ask yourself what you have sitting on the back-burner that needs to be brought forward. Are there structures or constructs in need of review and rehabilitation?

Oh so often there is much chatter pointing at the destructive nature of the trickster in retrograde. We are privy to murmurs warnings not to sign contracts, not to travel. I prefer to show you the proactive use of such energy.
The truth is, that a journey which takes place in the middle of Mercury retrograde is often wonderful. The key is to depart and return during the retrograde. It is when we begin or end outside of the margins set by his stationary points that we experience challenge.
A retrograde of any planet—and keep in mind they all do have retrograde periods of sweeping back degrees and sometimes a sign—is an opportunity! All the words you can come up with that begin with the letters “R” and “E” come into play. Here is a great list to help you. Look at the planet and its nature. In this case Mercury, the swift and often comical messenger. Words I am already experiencing this go-around are: Relax, read, renew, reveal, review, retrospective, reconstruct, remix, and rehabilitate. The contact of Mercury with stable Saturn gives a stronger foundation and infuses your ability to ground this into a useful and interconnected outcome. 
Look over 2017 and ask yourself what you would like to complete. Then make a plan and begin to think about whom you would like to engage as a strong ally. Mars is sextile to the pair lending a boost of balance in his last days in Libra as he moves onward December 9, into his home sign of Scorpio.
As 2017—a number 1 year—comes to a close: 2+0+1+7=10=1, realize that you have dropped many seeds. Perhaps you are aware of them, perhaps not. Any good garden needs a bit of care and weeding. Do all the clearing and renewing you are able to muster before the next New Moon in Sagittarius on December 18. This sets a tone for 2018, a master number year of 11 thus 2, when we embark on new partnerships and the journeys they bring
I am available for readings these next two weeks and shall be on retreat the last two weeks of this year. Come to see me this weekend at Scented Dragon or contact me for phone and Skype sessions.
Today's Chart
Remember, life is how you planet!
Keep looking up; the stars are there to guide you. It always helps to have a great navigator and I am at your service! I send LOVE to you and your relations wishing you all the best in 2018!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017

The power of a Total Solar Eclipse can remove and unblock the path of life when we clearly focus and plant seeds of good intention. During a Solar Eclipse, the psyche represented by the Moon is covering the ego, represented by the Sun. This casts a shadow and draws a line across the Earth, which represents our bodies and mundane world as we perceive it.
We ride on the back of the Great Turtle through the Cosmic Ocean of oneness. If we look through the rearview mirror, we can see that each step taken has been deliberate and steady. From her giant back the winds of change and oceans of emotions envelop and often sweep us away. May your actions be slow and deliberate like her great body and may your thoughts be of peace. May you find the harmonic music of the spheres soothing as you weather the waves of emotion through this turbulent and magically transformative time.

The main question to ask oneself now is, “What do I really want to change in myself and in the world?”
This eclipse takes place aligned with the star Regulus, the heart of the lion in the constellation of Leo. This mighty star is associated with Fereydun, the mythical king of Persian lore who was prosperous but lost his kingdom when he engaged in revenge.
This eclipse is at 28 degrees, 52 minutes Leo by Tropical measurement. Therefore, whatever planets and angles you have in direct aspect to the lion’s fixed sign energy are going to be alchemically changed intensely and immensely!
Austere acts of self-discipline as in internal cleansing or fasting for a day are to prove greatly rewarding. Therefore the time between Luna’s covering of the Sun and approach to the New Moon is of the utmost importance for meditation, devotion and gratitude! This total eclipse is at 1:10:06 pm Eastern time. The New Moon is at 2:30:06 pm eastern time.

It is advised to do nice things for yourself and others in the days surrounding this celestial event and avoid temptation! The amazing Persian poet Rumi wrote, “Weak people revenge, strong people forgive, intelligent people ignore.” Ah, if only our leaders could behave with compassion for the earth and all of our resources.
Eclipse sequences happen two times yearly and set the mood for the proximal six month period. For those in the United States, this Total Solar Eclipse supercharges seeds being planted now and is sure to profoundly change lives forever.
I am available to give you guidance as to how to put this energy to focused good use. Contact me for your appointment today and wish you blessing on this once in a lifetime eclipse! Remember, keep looking up, the stars are here to guide you and I am here to help you navigate!

With love and magick always,
Ambika Devi

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Hunka a hunka burnin’ Leo in this New Moon!

Yes! This New Moon in Leo kicks it off for the upcoming eclipse cycle. We are feeling fiery due to so much of the Lion’s heat in the atmosphere! Leo is lover energy so where do you want to plug yours in? Think it over and get to manifesting. First we must be grateful for what we have.
Next, let go of that which does not serve us and the greater.
Then, we can let it go to the fiery power of the Sun and allow it to incinerate this into the fertile soil of our hopes and wishes. 
Next we plant the seed of desire.
Finally we sit in stillness and allow, fully receiving, deeply grateful.
Mars is conjunct the event adding more fuel to the fire. Do be careful with things that burn easily and around fire of all sorts. Let us focus positive energy on our Mother Earth and all sentient beings to cool and sooth this planetary heatwave so that we can put the alchemical fires to good use. 
Keep track of your dreams these next few nights for Luna is sure to whisper a few cryptic messages to you from your psyche. Be sure to take notes and share them with me.
Here is the chart for today's New Moon.
The coming lunar eclipse on August, 7, the next Full Moon due in a fortnight, sets us up for the Total Solar Eclipse on August 29. 
Keep looking up; the stars are there to guide you!
Love, Ambika Devi

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Scorpio Full Moon May 10, 2017 5:42:24 pm EDT

Full Moon in Scorpio can drag us under into a seemingly alternate universe where we can find ourselves in the realm of Pluto. You have choices to make. Can you burn off those last bits of what does not serve a higher purpose for all? Is it time to surrender and transform? Or, are you simply going to try to crumble after an exhausting fight?
Scorpio does not mess around. One of the superpowers of this sign is the ability to transform. Just when you think you might be getting ahead, another obstacle shows up that had not been in the picture moments ago. The lesson here is work with the energy and be a co-creator.
Scorpio is a shapeshifter which is perhaps why the sign is so misunderstood. The Scorpio energy is intensely creative and has the ability to help you with everything from inspiring your projects to fruition to removing everything that does not work, whether you can see it or not!
Look around and choose something to focus on, a project a relationship or a prayer. Now light a candle and burn some incense or smolder some herbs. Being a Scorpio I choose patchouli. This sign appreciates everything from earthy gums and resins like myrrh and frankincense to sweet floral high notes including Ylang Ylang and Jasmine and it is no wonder my vines are in full bloom now!
This is a great lunation for initiation, purification, transformation, letting go of past pain, and spiritual rebirth. May your dreams unravel the mysteries of your journeys during this fortnight. For your information a fortnight is the period of days between a Full Moon and the next New Moon which equal 14.77 earth time days.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Catch the Lovers in the act!

A sky-dance is happening between the ancient lovers Venus and Mars with Diana, the Maiden aspect of the Moon looking on.
 If you have not been looking at Venus each and every evening then tonight is the night to begin! A few weeks ago they looked like this:
These bodies are close to us now and showing bright and big in the sky. This evening, when the sun goes down, step outside and look southwest slightly by west.  There you can see the crescent Moon approaching Venus and Mars.
 Tomorrow evening on January 31, 2017 we can see a beautiful sunset conjunction.

Try to catch them before the sky fades to black.  A conjunction of bright planets framed by twilight blue is especially lovely!

The ancient story goes like this:
Venus, a beautiful and attractive goddess was married to Vulcan the God of the Forge. He was married more to his work and was less than desirable lover.
He knew his wife often found her way into the arms of her viral lover, Mars, and so he decided to catch them in the act. Vulcan forged a net of gold chains and told Venus he was going on a trip to Lemnos.  He then hid in the rafters of their home and waited. As he anticipated, Venus summoned her lover to join her. Outraged, Vulcan called to the Gods on Mount Olympus to come and witness the infidelity. Vulcan then trapped the lovers in his golden net.
The female Goddesses refused to chastise Venus. The Gods, just gawked. mercury told Apollo that he would gladly change places with Mars. Later he would have the opportunity and the result would be the hermaphrodite. Finally at the insistence of Neptune, the chains of love were released.
Interesting fact: The astronomy of this story is playing out exactly right now and tomorrow evening!
Notice how on the Sky Map Neptune is so close!

Where this is taking place in transit to your natal chart is of the utmost importance!

Contact me to set up your Astrological consultation.

Now, run outside and gaze up!

A postscript from Ambika.

Last evening I took my own advice and after a sunset meditation, went outside to bask in the energy of these planets. Wanting to add another image I snapped on and though the Moon was a lovely crescent, my camera saw more of an orb. I chose this one as I am drawn to the unusual texture in Venus as well. Mars is there very fain and though Neptune is present, we are unable to see him.
It amazes me how the characters in this story are present in our evening sky! 
If you are wondering where Vulcan is, he can be found near the setting Sun opposite this show!

Go on back outside!