Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Moon Wisdom June 27, 2014 4:08:26 a.m. EDT Jensen Beach, FL©Ambika Devi, Chica de las Estrellas

This month the New Moon rejuvenates in her familial home sign of Cancer today. This marks the Solstice point of summer for the Northern Hemisphere and winter for the Southern Hemisphere. The sign of the crab rules the fourth celestial house of ancestry, family and the physical home. When the moon returns home she enforces our connections to our roots. This is a time to revisit our ancestral ground. For many this month it is a cosmic journey home, deep into the self.

I am honored to be leading such a journey for a small group of like-hearted individuals who have fast become a part of my physical earth family. Visit my blog about it here to see what we are doing.
I am indeed planning a similar journey for 2015, so contact me now and claim your place!

What I am learning through the experience of being the leader for these spirits is that we are indeed a huge family of beings. Each day I become more profoundly aware and experience the knowing of a palpable web of energy that binds us all together with each other and the cosmos. In my new book Lilith I hone in on this topic in chapter 24 entitled “Ancestors.” Pick up your copy here. Contact me to bring me to your town to teach and share “Lilith” and to give private readings.

Retrograding Neptune is in a cozy trine to this lunar event. He inspires us through dreamy messages about what we really want in our strongly committed relationships. Tune into him before falling asleep. Give thanks to him in the misty atmosphere and near all bodies of water. Take a long bath and commune with him.

July 1 Mercury stills in station direct and turns to move in forward motion once again. The messenger spent the tail end of his recent retrograde in his home sign of Gemini. He now takes you on a tour revisiting recent conversations that were experienced over these last few weeks. Our mission is to do our best to understand the why and what of it all. The more we understand about the Universe within, the easier this becomes. This is exactly one of the great benefits of Vak-Yoga. Contact me for lessons in this wondrous technique.

I stumbled on a great YouTube channel of videos named “Symphony of Science.” 

The videos on this channel explain this concept of the inner and outer cosmos through music. Science buffs are going to really enjoy this. 

When I was a kid I loved School House Rock 

This was the only in my opinion to learn! I wish all teachers would sing the stories of our ancestors to us.

July 12 The Moon is full in her opposite sign of Capricorn. This mirror reflects the balance point of what we feel we want and the better choices to make that strengthen our foundation and support system. Later tonight Mercury gains momentum and cruises back into the sign of Cancer. Sensitive feelings arise and find their way in to conversation. In order to keep things cool, spend some time alone. If you have wanted to sell property or move to a new location, the energy is finally moving with a stronger current.

Jupiter the great giant makes a bold move July 16 into a friendly fire sign of Leo. This is a welcomed super charge of energy and inspiration for all of us. Those of you who have fallen off your regimes or need to get a project done find this potent gust of power helpful. The good news is that the giant remains here with the lion throughout the next year.

July 18 Venus slides into Cancer intensifying emotional bonds with the people you consider family. You find all of your senses are creating warning signs. Proceed cautiously and tap into you heightened intuition.

After his long retreat in retrograde, Saturn turns direct in Scorpio July 20. All standoffs in the financial and work sector ease into movement forward once again. The Scorpion brings windfalls, inheritance and financial gain from others. One of the powerful techniques the this Plutonic sign provides is a cleansing out of that which no longer serves. If you have been clinging to a job for the wrong reason, I recommend you choose to leave. It is inevitable that the rug is to be yanked from under you.

July 21 Uranus begins a retrograde period taking us all the way to the next Solstice point December 21. Unusual and spontaneous occurrences surround the Grandfather of our sky. He is a non-conformist and likes to change society by leading us on unconventional pathways. Let’s watch the new techniques being used in lobbying for the upcoming US races.

July 25 Mars dives into the depths of his ancient home sign of Scorpio. This takes drive and desire very deep within our beings. We receive calls from long lost friends and finally clean out the junk in our closets and our minds.

Put your new discoveries to good use. Start to create lists of what you intend to achieve and create and watch as each item is marked as completed.

I wish you a dreamy month of creativity and realizations. May you come to realize your connection to the greater!

I invite you to read on for my predictions for the 12 signs.
Aries March 19/20 to April 20/21
Time to pack your bags and prepare to hit the road. Right now, the change of location is far better than trying to manipulate your local surroundings. Your communication skills are at an all-time high so put them to good use. This is no time to sugarcoat your inner truth but rather the time to begin something brand new. This takes you to a deeper level of honesty and inner truth. With the choice you are facing, giving a resounding yes launches you into a lifetime high. Ignoring this and staying quiet leaves a creeping irritation that haunts you the rest of your days. It is your choice. I encourage the affirmative.

Taurus April 20/21 to May 21/22
Be sure you are well rested in order to keep up with the inevitable fast pace about to sweep you off your feet. All decisions are best made from the center of your heart. Use your newly acquired skills to wade through the immense stack of tasks that has been piling up. You cope better while remaining close to home. Those of you thinking of changing your dwelling must conduct all your research and line things up prior to venturing out. This cuts back on undue stress. Looking for love? Say yes to family, particularly siblings who ask out to join them with friends.

Gemini May 21/22 to June 21/22
Finally you are tuning into your voice and hearing it clearly. This awareness opens your eyes and beams a light to show you the way through your current financial situation. This in turn inspires a much needed revamping of your checks and balances regarding spending. Really look at your budget and system Make the positive changes needed. The settlement of either a financial or emotional nature comes through in your favor. Make good choices. Imagine you were watching a close friend faced with these decisions. What would you tell them? Be your own best friend!            

Cancer June 22/23 to July 22/23
Optimism is on the rise and with it comes a potent desire to renew the way you have been representing yourself and your goods. Revamp your presentation on paper. Go for a change in wardrobe. Let yourself be attracted to colors that soothe your soul. Choose words and phrases that open the formerly closed doors of your heart. You are appealing to others. You must push harder to believe this about yourself. Let your creativity be fueled by the stories of your past. Be amazed by the pictures these paint. Let them swirl in your imagination. The cherry on top is a much unexpected windfall. You deserve this so go out and live a little!

Leo July 22/23 to August 23/24
A gust of energy primes you for a significant adventure. If seeking a job, put this energy to good use and supercharge your search. Take some and invest it in redoing your personal presentation. Life is flowing forward at a steady pace. Good thing your intuition is on point. Await clarity before you try to define your newly formed relationships both intimate and career based. You are entering an expansive one year cycle. Many new projects spring forth from the newly planted seed being sprinkled on the fertile ground of your imagination. Dig into your old journals for a peak at dreams and trends that occurred between August of 2002 and August of 2003 for hints and insights. These provide a well-defined road-map to follow.

Virgo August 23/24 to September 23/24
The wave of a major upswing swells as this lunar month gains momentum. Begin preparation now and ready your ship to set sail in order to ride this powerful trend. Financial gain fills your cargo hold with many unexpected riches. Adding to the good fortune your mental abilities and physical energy rises to a heightened state. Say yes to all social engagements and group opportunities. Romantic notions float on the surface of your awareness and easily sweep you away. Rather than letting this drain you, utilize all the excess good energy to infuse your inspired projects.

Libra September 23/24 to October 23/24
Trust your intuition even more than ever in the current challenges. Career offerings can be overwhelming and confusing. In order to make the best decisions you must tune out the ego mind and listen very carefully to the higher frequency of the Divine for guidance. It is very important that you make the right decisions now. Take extra care to budget your time and energy. Sit down and organize your own life. Use all the skills you utilize for others. Imagine you are helping your best friend. This is the best technique to use in all life changing decisions to assure a winning outcome. Stay relaxed and you easily negotiate the inevitable changes coming your way.

Scorpio October 23/24 to November 22/23
Personal presentation and the way you communicate have undergone a complete overhaul and transformation. You are now so much more empathetic and clairvoyant than ever. Your project has gone public and now you find yourself deeply rooted in a profound level of correspondence. Be sure to schedule time off and away. You must learn to manage the stress levels and get as much of it on auto drive as possible. This creates needed space for the next wave of intense inventiveness. Adrenaline is your muse and she is ready and waiting at your beckoned call. Adding to the magic, a powerful gust of romantic dust sparkles in a cloud around you. This energy is like a booster rocket so hook in and hang on—this is going to be a wild ride indeed!

Sagittarius November 22/23 to December 21/22
A far more comfortable work situation has presented itself. In addition to this good fortune you receive subsidy from a lover or family member. This helps lift any recent strain off your shoulders that has been weighing you down these past few years. Communication in all your relationships particularly with children increases in clarity. The huge project you have been working on in overtime comes to fruition. Prepare to sign documents and place a legal stamp of finality on it. Love relationship or the possibility of a new one inspires an extreme 180 degree turnaround in your thinking and behavior patterns. This in turn brings on an outpouring of opportunities.                 

Capricorn December 21/22 to January 20/21
Those closest to you negotiate to evaluate and reconstruct your agreements. Intuition is dusted off and brought to the table. This helps you tap into the highest guidance available. Follow your hunches. Solidify all of your choices with signatures on long awaited contracts. New resources are available making it easy to let go of old decaying ideas you had been holding onto. A momentary flash of crystal clear lucidity sets you straight about your home life. Use the rest of this year to harness each and every spontaneous moment of insight as you set a trend of potent redesign into motion.
Aquarius January 20/21 to February 18/19
Step down from your lofty perch in order to ground new ideas along with your partners. Go easy on pushing your outside of the box methods and thinking on everyone around you. They are not ready for all of this and overwhelm causes them to slam on the brakes. An unusually delicious encounter infuses your love life and creative output. You can’t help but dive overboard so just go for the new hair and wardrobe. Nothing can stop you or stand in your way with this as you barrel full steam ahead. Contracts in question are another story. These need your full attention and must be fully thought through.   

Pisces February 18/19 to March 19/20
Invest as much time and energy into the people and projects you love. Everyone receives you wholeheartedly. Soak in the adoration but do not allow yourself to stagnate as a result. Passionately pursue your next project and fully engage in the extra power and physical stamina by keeping your health regime steady. Worldly views are transforming as a result of recent realizations. This in turn changes your perspective toward your immediate environment. Now you are the shining spirit you have come here to be. Prepare to take this out and share it with the greater, rather than retreating to aloneness.