Today’s New
Moon in Scorpio is a Solar Hybrid Eclipse. This is a total solar eclipse. It is
a hybrid eclipse of the Sun with a magnitude of 1.0159. Totality will be
visible from the northern Atlantic Ocean, east of Florida, to Africa at the
Gabon landfall, R. Congo, DR Congo and Uganda, with maximum of 1 minute and 39
seconds visible from the Atlantic Ocean south of Ivory Coast and Ghana. You
will be able to find images here at
A Solar
Eclipse provides perfect timing for a deep letting go. Add to this the
intensification of the event taking place in intense Scorpio and this provides
the perfect potion to help us release and clear out the unwanted underbrush of
our psyches. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio demands that we make drastic changes
or he will force them upon us. Scorpio’s depth demands a vulnerability that
many of you may not be willing to uncover. Often this is less than comfortable.
A saving grace is the South Node in cushy Taurus. This eclipse demands that we
find a deeper sense of patience and create a steadfast commitment to willingly
step onto a challenging path. Though the road ahead is filled with obstacles,
each time we encounter one it is a reminder to slow down and honor how far we
have come, and to give thanks for our beautiful resources.
Venus steps
tentatively onto the highlands of the mountain goat, Capricorn November 5.
Don’t let the serious goat fool you. While the Goddess of love is visiting the
often serious goat, we are reminded to stay on top of our time commitments and
within protocol boundaries. It is time to get serious about your current
relationships and bow to authority. Brace yourself as her tour here is
extra-long as she is scheduled to retrograde beginning December 21 in this
earthy sign until March 5, 2014. Don’t freak out as this is a good thing for
clearing out and clarifying what you want. That which we are attracted to,
demands and investment and commitment and Capricorn is the greatest teacher of
this due to the rulership of serious Saturn. Be wise and make good choices by
using this transit to your advantage. The trickiest days during this transit
are when our psyches get rocked by a tense aspect from Pluto and an unusual
side-swipe from Uranus during mid-November. This literally shatters any
semblance of order and blows your plans. Remember, all change is good!
Giant Jupiter
turns retrograde in the sensitive sign of Cancer November 6. Beware of all drama
queens, this is sure to set them off. The good news is that this is a great
time to build your own personal power, so stay out of these whacky friends’ and
family members’ way and focus on yourself. Jupiter is the lord of higher learning
and spiritual growth. Dive into your personal studies and enjoy reconnecting
with your spiritual teachers. This is going to last through March 6, 2014.
Mercury goes
direct November 10. This is a great day to launch your new ad campaign and get
moving on the sales you have perceptibly been struggling with. Next time the
trickster backpedals remember that this is your opportunity to strategize. The
day he stations to go direct, is the best day for the launch.
clears out of the mist and moves direct November 13. Due to his outer location
the effects are less noticeable right away for most. Artists realize ideas for
new projects and dreams become colorful. Utilize the peace and quiet of
deep-trance state meditation to tap into this. I am teaching a Vak-Yoga Retreat
at the gorgeous Amrit Yoga <>Institute
this weekend and invite you to join me. This is the perfect honoring of this
Celebrate the
Exalted New Moon in Taurus November 17. The bull’s beauty helps to temper the
voracious power and appetite of the Sun in Scorpio. Plan an activity that helps
you realize the power of the present moment. Be conscious of your energetic
investment in people, places and things. Give thanks and praises for all you
The wounded
healer, Chiron turns direct November 19. This is a great time to act in
selfless service to others. Oddities in health soon work out and realizations
about your personal healing surface. It becomes apparent that all afflictions begin
with emotional imbalances. Choose to express your new-found understanding
creatively through art and expression.
November 21
the Sun flies in to Sagittarius. This uplifting visit to the territory of the
archer helps us realign our sites on goals and aspirations. Foreign travel and
higher education and passions of the archer so take advantage of this time and
make plans for yourself. It is a good thing to reach a bit during this transit.
Just be sure to have a safety net.
I wish you a wonderful
month full of intuition and fantasies materializing. May you realize your true
Please read
on for my predictions for the 12 signs.
Aries March
19/20 to April 20/21
Your energy
is running high, so take advantage of the power surge. Extra care is needed in
order to budget your time. Listen carefully to the guidance being given to you
by your team members. Notice your ability to increase your attraction factor. You
have wanted something for a long time and the good news is it is about to
arrive. Be sure you are ready for it. You have time to reevaluate your desire
and original order to the divine. Be sure you have asked for exactly what you
want. Think of all the fairytales you know about wishes. These hold key
Taurus April
20/21 to May 21/22
The road
feels bumpy and it is difficult to figure out a pace that works to keep you
moving forward. Once you do hit your stride you are able to soar far beyond
your perceived edges and boundaries. The only way you are able to transform
your current situation is to think and function way outside the box. Good vibes
are casting a thick haze on your perception of reality. Choose to act with the
utmost integrity. If you need help, ask your friends. They are ready to come to
your rescue.
Gemini May 21/22 to June 21/22
Be industrious as your turn your nose to the grindstone.
Roll up your sleeves and get busy. This is a time of work and all of your
projects are calling your name. The hard and steady work inspires even more
ideas and so be sure you are ready to document them as they float into you
consciousness. Double check with thorough research and be sure to back up all
intuitive choices. Look to your mentors and guides for affirming assurance.
Luck is on your side. Stay motivated and keep moving forward. Your imagination
is running full tilt, go with it!
Cancer June 22/23 to July 22/23
Be honest with yourself and willing to create revisions
to your master plan. These adjustments are met with a great and much needed
boost of energy so put it to good use. Are you ready to push into the
situations you feel you deserve? A great deal of what has held you back is your
perception about your own self-worth. I know you are a good person, but you
must learn to really own this for yourself. Take a bigger risk in relationships
and allow yourself to have what you think is meant for only others. You are
much more lovable than you know.
Leo July 22/23 to August 23/24
You have no choice but to reevaluate the way you have
been behaving toward your family. Quit the drama and own up to your prior
behavior. This is the only way to heal things and move on. Your instincts have
you wanting to bolt or cover it all up with your dynamic humor. This only
backfires so turn and face the music. All of this is a result of your prior
behavior. Sometimes lessons are tougher. This is one of those times. Someone
had to wake you up. I guess it is me. I know you will thank me later after you
realize what I just hit you with.
Virgo August 23/24 to September 23/24
You love to reorganize the surface, but are you ready to
dive into your depths and have a go at tidying up here? I hope so as it is time
now. After as you look back your gratitude sparkles and your charm attracts a
great many new friends and possibilities. You deserve this. Learn to combine
what you love to do with productive activities. This moves you forward upon
your career path. Even though your initial reaction is to view this as
inhibiting, I urge you to press forward until there is a sense of comfort. For
so long you have been hanging back and making excuses. Now is the time to take
a stand and make a stand. You can do it so, believe in yourself.
Libra September 23/24 to October 23/24
A full evaluation of income and expenditure is long
overdue. Seeing it all spelled out on paper is very helpful now and helps to
get you creating a new plan and actual budget. You must work hard to keep your
self-esteem level high after receiving hits from people you love. Take it as a
necessary reality check. Regarding relationships: you are the one that keeps
people at arm’s length. What this is doing is preventing you from really
investing yourself into the relationship. You are super-sensitive right now and
must develop your own method of self-support. Practice looking in the mirror
when you are setting intentions. This helps a great deal with building your
power bank up to optimum level.
Scorpio October 23/24 to November 22/23
You are very busy completing the last little details on
your current project. As always, the next big adventure is waiting in the wings
for you to give the “Take flight” command. If you are feeling ignored by
colleagues, take it as a sign for a day off. Give yourself permission to walk
away for a bit before embarking on this next project. Lots of luck is on your
side so indeed you can afford a few risks. With the Solar Eclipse in your sign,
the mind is washed clean along with the slate. It is up to you how much drama
you wish to partake in. It really is not necessary.
Sagittarius November 22/23 to December
Your fantasy world is still coloring
your ability to see the reality of situations. More work is needed to practice
seeing the authentic truth of what surrounds you. Flashes of intuition light up
your consciousness and help you choose the right way to go. When you are moving
you are happiest. The trick right now is staying still and allowing what comes
next to surface. This is a new practice for you as doing and making things
happen is more your fiery style. When in doubt reduce all situations to common
sense and by all means, follow your heart.
Capricorn December 21/22 to January
Are you ready for love? Whether or not
this is the situation many shifts and modifications twist your path into a much
different direction. Don’t let it throw you off. It is time to take charge and
be the master of your emotions. This does not mean run away from them. Take the
necessary time out and away from others to really look at what you want. Then,
plan and really spell out how you are going to get there. All the plans must be
well thought out or any investment of energy is worthless.
Aquarius January 20/21 to February
Brace yourself. The waters are about
to get rough. Your usual reaction is to check out emotionally but unfortunately
this is a non-negotiable. Quick solutions fail heinously so make the solid
choice to really think it all out. A great deal of this upheaval can very well
be at the workplace. Do all you can immediately to smooth over any prickly
emotions now. This comes in really handy when sensitivities flare. I know this
is overwhelming and so I beg you to please only address and complete one issue
at a time as multitasking just makes a bigger mess of it.
Pisces February 18/19 to March 19/20
Bow out gracefully when you are not
feeling fully committed or aligned with what is going on. When the timetable is
clear, take off on your own for a much needed retreat. This helps greatly to
avoid confrontations with friends and co-workers. If you feel the need to
mentor or help someone, choose a younger person. This satisfies any need you
may have to exercise authority and helps up your level of optimism. You are
super sensitive right now and there is no need to rub yourself the wrong way.
It is much better to put your creative energy into your own projects and
practice tolerance.
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