A little planetary wisdom about the current celestial sky from Ambika Devi!
The last few days have brought forth conversations with clients, students, and friends asking questions about the feel of the current energy around us. My response has been that this is likely due to Jupiter's position and current retrograde where he is presently in the sign of Scorpio.
Yesterday on May 10, the great gassy, giant reached perihelion which is when he is closest to our Sun. All of this heat can scorch projects that have been cooking on your creative stove. Take care to give them proper attention.
Jupiter governs our quest for truth and knowledge. He represents our greatest teachers. Look around; perhaps something you thought you were done with has resurfaced? The greatest investment that can be made in honor of Jupiter is learning.
The topic of struggle seems to be a current theme and so I offer this little book by Stuart Wilde,
The sign of the scorpion gives us the potential of razor-like attention and insists we dive deeply into all personal matters. This assures our ability to clean them out more successfully.
Great things can come of this transit should you choose to point your focus inward. Dial in past the smoky curtain of confusion and place your primal instincts in a temporary time-out. This is going to help you keep your composure and prevent unwanted mistakes!
Seeking guidance? Make an appointment today! Contact me here. I look forward to getting you on the path of happiness!
Need something to help you right away?
Try writing a letter from 90 year old you to present moment you!
I look forward to your greatness!
Love, Ambika Devi