Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Moon Wisdom February 18, 2014 6:47:12 pm EST Jensen Beach, FL©Ambika Devi

Today’s New Moon is the second of a pair in the sign of Aquarius. Just like its twin in January, today’s lunation has our orbiting satellite at the extreme close connection we experienced last month. This gives us opportunity to reflect on the feelings we experienced as a result of the occurrences that transpired in the last 29.53 days.

Life is a series of patterns and cycles. When we have two New Moons in a calendar month it is celebrated as a Supermoon. This second in the pairing of Aquarian new moons is an opportunity to for us to observe our emotional patterns as we feel and ride the waves of natural and cosmic energies. I don’t know about you, but this Astrologer has been handling a whole lot of crazy!

It is important when we are exploded upon with a flourish of others’ needs, that we take them on with grace and patience. Those of you with strong Aquarius, 11th house and Uranus points in your natal charts know exactly what I am talking about. If you are not savvy to your particular uniqueness, please contact me for a thorough consultation and explanation of the current transits.

February 19, the Sun glides into Pisces. What was public now has a chance to go in cognito. Hopefully you have not embarrassed yourself these last few weeks and have had enough time to save face. Pisces inspires dreams and can often inspire moving feelings. Be sure to keep in contact with your closest support for times when the waves of emotion catch you by surprise.

The personal planets have all be hovering in the evening sky this last month. Venus has been a wonderfully beautiful evening star and is making ready to unite with her sweetheart Mars on February 20 in the fiery realm of Aries. The story of these lovers is delightful and worth the read. You can find a great version in Arial Guttman’s book Mythic Astrology. It is well worth the read. These two lovers have been floating in the dreamy sign of Pisces and this bold move marks a reuniting for all lovers in the name of passion. The waxing moon meets up with the lovers and sparks a surge of desire a little later in the day. Plan to indulge in romance today!

Mercury continues his movement forward returning the place he began his most recent retrograde. Be patient as you sort out the frayed ends of your last nerves. I promise you can bring everything back into order. Be patient.

The Full Moon in Virgo March 5 is a great opportunity to shine in your abilities. Take extra care to be gentle in your personal demands on yourself and others. Virgo is discerning and loves to over scrutinize. This only leads to stress.

March 11 Mars meets Uranus in an unusually explosive conjunction. Mind your tendency to overreact or explode. Depending on the location of transit to your personal chart this can be amazing or difficult. Contact me today to engage me for your personal consultation.

Mercury swims into Pisces March 13. Words can be jumbled and your time and energy are best invested into art and creativity. We find inspiration and guidance in our nocturnal dreamscapes and the creative projects that were pushed to the back-burner finally come forward for attention.

March 17 Venus returns home to her lavish home in Taurus. Here she languishes in luxury. Go ahead and splurge on that item of clothing or spring for the massage you have been craving.

I wish you a month of gentle slumber and sweet meditation as we in the northern hemisphere enjoy the last days of winter’s slumber. May your dreams reveal the answers you have been seeking!

I invite you to read on for my predictions for the 12 signs.

Aries March 19/20 to April 20/21
You find it hard to resist secret trysts and spontaneous rendezvous. A grinding annoyance is your cue to slow down rather than continuing your explosive rolling forward. You want the best and you want it all and there really is no stopping you once you set your sight on a target. Be sure no one gets singed by your choices and most importantly, be kind to yourself.

Taurus April 20/21 to May 21/22
Your fantasies can overtake reality so be sure to tread gently with care. A longtime friend suddenly appears deliciously appealing to your eyes. Think this through thoroughly before acting. Recent frivolity balances out so take a deep breath and know your bank account is going to make it through just fine. There really is no stopping you once your powerful momentum builds. Just do what you can to make good decisions.

Gemini May 21/22 to June 21/22
Let your honey soaked words flow now. You have everyone's attention and are being well received. When asked to step into the role of leadership, accept it with grace. There is a fine line between performance and truly being guided. Right now either can work as long as you are feeling good about yourself. So, why not give to yourself and hold back on others. This proves to be the medicine you need.                  

Cancer June 22/23 to July 22/23
Though domestic issues weigh heavily on you this month, your ability to earn is supercharged. So, no need to fret. Your innovative ideas and strong work ethic are finally well received and acknowledged. The way out of any tight spot is to think outside the box. Get ready for a big change at work and be sure you have all you papers in order. The change around the corner is coming on strong and rapidly.

Leo July 22/23 to August 23/24
Spontaneous changes in relationships happen in your favor. Take time to rethink your self – presentation. Current decisions require renegotiation to handle the recent snags. Relationship communication confusion works its way out with hard work. If you have been ignoring this, say adios to the ones who feel jilted. Decide what works and what you don't like, then make all of the necessary changes.

Virgo August 23/24 to September 23/24
A fiery wind of inspiration sweeps you over. It is a good idea to ask the one you trust in the most to join you on projects. You gain a great deal from their keen eye and outside the box thinking. If you fight against this you create friction. When you act spontaneously and leave your usual discernment to the side you find the new modes and habits work like a charm. Get ready to set plans into action quickly then prepare to receive positive feedback through results and your feeling.

Libra September 23/24 to October 23/24
A beautiful gift is before you. It is your job to accept it and choose to place it into play. Odd and unexpected occurrences draw you into a deeper connection with your lover. Ask yourself "how can I use what I am given to become a more responsible and peaceful loving soul?" Learn from your mentors and guides. Find constructive ways to vent. In this way you program yourself for more love and happiness in the future.

Scorpio October 23/24 to November 22/23
Your honorary position of being the taskmaster and sergeant has come to an end. Now you can return to your studies and existential explorations. All lose jobs magically knit together nicely as a master plan reveals itself. Allow all current options to lock in and run their courses. Use any downtime to dream and regroup. Take extra time to be kind to your mind and body. Head on a retreat if possible.

Sagittarius November 22/23 to December 21/22
Impulsive desire leads you to unfamiliar territory. This easily can be a foreign excursion or a new learning experience. Give yourself permission to reach out and ask for help when you need it. This is a lesson in the art of surrender. Watch your defensive tendencies; everyone is truly on your side. You are a beautiful and loving soul. Go look in the mirror and tell yourself this!

Capricorn December 21/22 to January 20/21
The topsy-turvyness of these last weeks is finally winding down. Do everything it takes to relax. Find those little pockets of peace and sit for a cup of tea or steal away for a bath or to read a chapter in that book gathering dust on the nightstand. Tune into fun and let tour heart lighten. The pile of unexpected work is through and you once again you can see the color of your desk peeking through. Go ahead and splurge a little on that design project, you deserve some fun!
Aquarius January 20/21 to February 18/19
This is another month of fielding more crazy. Add this ingredient to the adrenaline stew cooking up on your cosmic stove and you potentially bite off more than you can chew. Take care to not rumble your belly over this. Tempers can flare and become difficult to ease. When the steam and smoke clear, it is time to try something completely different and new. There are many techniques to help. Go out and ask for this.

Pisces February 18/19 to March 19/20
A tempestuous storm is brewing and it is about to blow through your house of values and attraction. Be clear about your causes and beliefs. Stand strong and maintain balance. This readies you to handle the upcoming skirmishes. Sensitivity runs high in personal relationships. Take extra care with feelings and do all you can to transform this to a positive statement. The one you have been hoping will show up is doing so on their own time. Let it go and forget about it. Let this be a lesson in manifestation.